Kid's Homepage
What's Happening
An inclusive program geared toward kids on the autism spectrum.
Dexter provides a nonjudgmental and cuddly chance for kids to improve their literacy skills.
Learning and Student Resources
Research is more than just Google, have your library card ready to log in and start learning!
Books & More
» Tumblebooks - Login
For Grds K-6. Animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, National Geographic videos, non-fiction books, and books in Spanish and French.
» Early Learning - Login
For PreK - Grd 3. Interactive stories, videos, songs, and games that encourage reading comprehension and phonetic skills.
Get Help
» Tutor.com - Login
Online professional help in more than 40 subjects. Learn More.
» AskRI - Login
Access to 15 databases, including Mango Languages, and LearningExpress Library.
Early Learners
Resources for Early Learners
The Rhode Island Department of Education has assembled a resource of games and activities that can be played at home to help boost early reading skills.
Tips and activities for parents and caregivers to share with children 0 - 5. Log into the app using your phone or computer. Registration is required.
Warwick Public Library in partnership with the City of Warwick Parks and Recreation Department, and the Department of Public Works, has installed several StoryWalks® around Warwick.