12 Angry Men

Picked By
J.C. grade 12
Media Type
Teen Reviews - Movies
This movie is a courtroom drama and the whole movie takes place in one jury room. 12 jurors are trying to decide the verdict of a murder case in which a teen boy may face the death penalty. It is very unnerving as a viewer to see how quick most of the jurors were to sentence this boy to death without even considering the evidence against him. We do not see the actual testimonies discussed, which I think adds to the confusion of the case. We see how personal bias can cloud one’s judgment as certain jurors heavily rely on very circumstantial evidence and ignore the fact that there is no concrete evidence against him. I think that this movie is objectively good and important for people to watch because it comments on bias in court. At the same time, however, the movie is in black and white and is from 1957, so there were some parts that kind of dragged and lost my interest. Overall, I think that it was a good movie even though some parts were boring.