Picked By
L.M. grade 12
Media Type
Teen Reviews - Movies
I truly believe that "Dune" is a masterpiece of science fiction, being the great-grandfather of modern hard-science fiction, and an intricate piece of work that uses the far future as a backdrop for topics such as philosophy, religion, and the significance of hero figures. Truly of an epic length, "Dune" is special because of its attention to detail, whether that be in its character relationships, which are skillfully and deftly handled despite the presence of so many uniquely written people, or in the ecology which, most notably, was given special attention by the author, Frank Herbert. The innerworkings of the desert planet Arrakis are crafted with such intricate detail that there now exists entire books focusing on that subject alone. Readers of this book should not expect an idle experience; it's a lot to take in, honestly, but if somebody is willing to devote their attention to the plot, they'll find it a deeply rewarding experience indeed, especially for lovers of hard science fiction and even those who just take an interest in the numerous fields of science and metaphysics that this novel explores.