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L.M. grade 12
Media Type
Teen Reviews - Movies
"Hereditary," released in 2018, was the first breakout hit for director Ari Aster, and for good reason. I believe what this movie excels at is using supernatural horror as a backdrop for the true horror of family innerworkings in tough periods, and grief. Aster, working alongside lead actors Toni Collette and Alex Wolff, creates some amazing sequences when he fully and painstakingly demonstrates the immense amount of grief that a family can experience when losing loved ones, and the aftershocks that can last far after any funeral. Other strengths of the movie includes the score by Colin Stetson, the best of which is his track "Reborn," which manages to make normally triumphant tones sound dark, disturbed, and repulsing, and clever usage of disturbing imagery, which is introduced in ways that are not always entirely explicit, but dread-inducing nonetheless. Deeply disturbing and horrific, "Hereditary" is not a popcorn horror flick; viewers should expect to feel fright and disgust far after the credits roll. But for avid horror fans, this is sure to be a welcome feeling.