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L.M. grade 12
Media Type
Teen Reviews - Movies
"Mad Max: Fury Road" is a bright shining star in the sea of drab, dulled-out, under-saturated action films today. Being a true lovechild of director George Miller, and his vision for the series brought to life, the film is bombastic, quick-paced, and entirely action oriented. The thing with this movie is that the story isn't exactly groundbreaking; the world is intriguing, yes, and the bits of worldbuilding that are dropped throughout the film make the viewer invest themselves in the world, but the real focus are the set pieces, which are brilliantly orchestrated in mostly practical ways; many of the insane car designs and rigs were actually constructed and fully functional for the sake of the film. The color palette of the film is another of its most striking assets, as it is immensely colorful and often visually striking. George Miller somehow makes the wastelands of Australia brim with energy and life through his clever use of visual spectacle. It's a ride that will be remembered by any viewer, and will get your heart pumping and keep it that way throughout its duration.