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K.E. grade 10
Media Type
Teen Reviews - Books
This book is full of short and long poems and is a collection of small considerations and pondering. It is filled with interest in reflection and a love letter to easy happiness: Something as simple as walking by a small blade of grass on the sidewalk and the way a hand-made ceramic cup feels when it is full of warm tea on a cool morning. Misha splits up his collection of poems into six different sections, crossing a large variety of topics that all feel so incredibly personal and sincere that when reading I sometimes felt like I was barging in on private conversations and thoughts I had no right to see. All the sections are just so lovely and heart-wrenching. Misha doesn't hide anything from the reader, speaking his mind out on the pages. There are happy poems, heartwarming poems, and poems about feeling so sad for reasons you don't understand that you cry. Whether you're a poetry reader or not, this is definitely a good pick if you want to break your own heart a bit and then put it back together just a tad bit more compassionate than it was before.