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K.E. grade 10
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Teen Reviews - Books
Holding Up the Universe follows the connection that blooms between a girl named Libby Strout and a guy named Jack Masselin, they are two teens who happen to meet because of a horrible bullying "game" that lands them both in group counseling. Jennifer Niven really knows how to tug at your heartstrings. She knows how to pull you in and not let you go until the last word of the book. She puts you on a roller coaster of emotions and you are left breathless. In the end when it's almost over and that miracle happens you can't help but be left with extreme joy. I mostly recommend this book for the amazing writing, the unforgettable characters, and the perfectness of it all. Although personal, Libby's story is not an uncommon problem. Society puts such a huge emphasis on the female body image as well as body image in general and often people ourselves are our greatest critics and tend to consider happiness within ourselves with how we look to others.