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E.V. grade 11
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Teen Reviews - Movies
The 1999 breakthrough film "10 Things I Hate About You" is the perfect example that despite being older than most, it can still be one of the greatest films over 20 years later. Karen McCullah and Kristen Smith take us through a romantic comedy film full of wonderful and diverse characters while primarily exploring the Stratford sisters and newcomer Cameron James as he continues the plot of the story through his stereotypical high school love life. Through melodramatic scene changes and dramatic rivalries, the action-packed film interlocks the themes of music and mayhem to display the chaos of what it is like to fall in love at a young age. Cameron's sidekick and tour guide Michael comes up with a plan to get new student's rival Joey, the most popular kid in school, out of the running to become Bianca Stratfords possible new lover. Through emotional turmoil, shocking confessions, and many explorations through dances, concerts, detentions, this story fails to make the audience bored. Bianca's sister Kat, another main character in this fantastic film, can be described as witty, intimidating, and threatening, so when her and Bianca's father explain that they can't date anyone until she does, it is almost impossible for anything of that sort to take place. Key word, almost. As Cameron's determination does nothing but flourish to be with Bianca, he and Michael's plan is to find Kat the perfect man with the same personality, but at such a prestigious school with many different personality groups, it wasn't an easy journey. Once they've reached their goal and stumbled upon the option of Patrick Verona, the perfect example of a misunderstood rebel with a bad reputation. He works his way into the plot and makes his mark on the characters, that is until a shocking secret is revealed about him in the end dance scene of the movie, leaving everyone, especially Kat shocked. Was their love too good to be true? Watch this 7.3 % rated film to find out.