Personal Narratives of Events in the War of the Rebellion

by the Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society

The Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society of Rhode Island was founded circa 1875. Its mission was to preserve and disseminate the history of the Civil War. While the Rhode Island Historical Society had already been active for over fifty years, it had a more antiquarian focus at the time, and a separate society for the Civil War was deemed necessary. Full members were required to be Civil War veterans. At the monthly meetings of the Society, papers were read by members, describing battles and campaigns. The Society also developed a small library for use of its members. In 1878, it began publishing the papers read at its meetings, under the title Personal Narratives of the Battles of the Rebellion. These were published in seven series of about 12 small pamphlets each, and continued through 1915. These publications now constitute a major resource for those interested in the role Rhode Island played in the Civil War.


– Historical Note from the Rhode Island Historical Society


Series 1, Numbers 1-10 (1878-1879)

The First Campaign of the Second Rhode Island Infantry

The Rhode Island Artillery at the First Battle of Bull Run

Reminiscences of Service in the First Rhode Island Cavalry

My First Cruise at Sea and the Loss of the Iron-Clad Monitor

Kit Carson’s Fight with the Comancheand Kiowa Indians

A Trip to Richmond as a Prisoner of War

Incidents of Cavalry Service in Louisiana

The Bay Fight. A Sketch of the Battle of Mobile Bay

Personal Incidents in the Early Campaigns of the the Third Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers

The Battle of the Mine

Series 2, Numbers 1-10 (1880-1881)

The First Cruise of the Montauk

A Country Boy’s First Three Months in the Army

Battery F, First R. I. Light Artillery

The Marine Artillery With the Burnside Expedition, and the Battle of Camden, N. C.

The Battles of Roanoke Island and Elizabeth City

The Burnside Expedition

Reminiscences of Two Years with the Colored Troops

A Recruit Before Petersburg

Person Experience with the Chancellorsville Campaign

The Battle of Cedar Mountain

Series 2, Numbers 11-20

The High School Boys of the Tenth R. I. Regiment

Services of the Cavalry in the Army of the Potomac

Prison Life of Lieut. James M. Fales

The Last Tour of Duty at the Siege of Charleston

Ambrose Everett Burnside (A Memorial Address)

Incidents of Service with the Eleventh Regiment R. I. Volunteers

Battle of Cedar Creek

Incidents of Cavalry Experience During Gen. Pope’s Campaign

Series 3, Numbers 1-10

Life in the Texan Blockade

My Four Month Experience as a Prisoner of War

Gun-Boat Service on the James River

A Private’s Recollections of Fredericksburg

Camp and Hospital

Cavalry Service with General Sheridan, and Life in Libby Prison

Service with Battery F, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, in North Carolina

Reminiscences of Gun-Boat Service on the Nansemond

The Battle of Groveton, August 28, 1862

Recollections of Monacacy

Series 3, Numbers 11-20

Recollections of Service in the Twelfth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers

The March to the Sea

Reminiscences of Service with Colored Troops in the Army of the Cumberland

Frontier Service During the Rebellion: or, A History of Company K, First Infantry California Volunteers

Reminiscences of Service with the Twelfth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, and a Memorial of Col. H. Browne

Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, at the Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862

Relief of Washington, North Carolina, by the Fifth Rhode Island Volunteers

A Private’s Reminiscences of the First Year of the War

Battle of Kelley’s Ford, March 17, 1863

The Investment of Fort Pulaski

Series 4, Numbers 1-10

From Monocacy to Danville

The Seige and Capture of Harper’s Ferry by the Confederates, September, 1862

Service with Battery F, First Rhode Island light Artillery

Ther First Rhode Island Cavalry at Middleburg, V. A., June 17 and 18, 1863

Personal Recollections of General Sheridan

The Monitor and the Merrimac

From Bridgeport to Ringold, by Way of Lookout Mountain

Duffie and the Monument to His Memory

The Burnside Expedition and the Engagement at Roanoke Island

Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, at the Second Battle of Bull Run

Series 4, Numbers 11-20

Recollections of Service in Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery

My Boyhood at West Point

From Memphis to Allatoona, and the Battle of Allatoona, October 5, 1864

Recollections of the United States Naval Academy

With the Ninth Army Corps in East Tennessee

In Rebel Prison: or Experiences in Danville, VA.

Richmond, Annapolis, and Home

John Albery Monroe. A Memorial. Recollections of Him as a Commander of Battery D

The Gettysburg Gun

A Chaplain’s Experince in the Union Army

Series 5, Numbers 1-10

Services with Colored Troops in Burnside’s Corps

Kearsarge and Alabama

From Andersonville to Freedom

From Fredericksburg to Gettysburg

Operations of the Cavalry Corps, Middle Military Division, Armies of the United States, From February 27 to March 8, 1865, Participated in by the First Rhode Island Cavalry

The Organization and First Campaign of Battery E, First Rhode Island Light Artillery

Assault on Fort Gilmer and Experiences of Prison Life

Battle of the Crater and Experiences of Prison Life

Reminiscences of Signal Service in the Civil War

From Spottsylvania to Wilmington, N. C., by way of Andersonville and Florence

Series 6, Numbers 1-10

A Folorn Hope

How I Lost My Sabre in War and Found It in Peace

Reminiscences of the Signal Service in the Civil War

Extracts From My Diary and From My Experiences While Boarding With Jefferson Davis, in Three of His Notorious Hotels, in Richmond Va., Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Salisbury, N. C., From July, 1861, to June, 1862

The Maryland Campaign with the Forth Rhode Island

The Sword of Honor. From Captivity to Freedom

Through Chancellorville, Into and Out of Libby Prison

The Storming of the Lines of Petersburg by the Sixth Corps, April 2, 1865

Our Last Campaign and Subsequent Service in Texas

The Florida Campaign with light Battery C, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery

Series 7, Numbers 1-10

Reminiscences of the Burnside Expedition

From the Rapidan the the James Under Grant

The Incident in the Battle of Middleburg, VA.

War Reminiscences

The Sailor on Horseback

Campaign of Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, in Kentucky and East Tennessee

The Negro as a Soldier

The Military Services of Major-General Ambrose Everett Burnside in the Civil War Part I

The Military Services of Major-General Ambrose Everett Burnside in the Civil War Part II

The Second Rhode Island Volunteers at the Siege of Petersburg, VA.