Summer Reading Images of Girl reading book

 Log your reading time to earn virtual logging badges and reach the completion goal of 20 hours by August 24.  Click here for Beanstack.

Once you have read for 10 hours you have earned a1/2 way done prize, stop by any Warwick Library to collect your free paperback book.

When you complete the challenge of 20 hours, return to the library to collect your Completion Prize.

Prize pick up by the end of August 31.

KIDS (Babies to Grade 5)

The 10 hour prize is a free paperback book.

Completion Prize is a bouncy animal ball, water bottle, water bottle stickers, McDermott Pool pass, donation to Save the Bay, certificate of completion, and a raffle ticket for a chance to win a Kids Grand Prize.

TEENS (Grades 6-12)

The 10 hour prize is a free paperback book.

Completion Prize is a $5 Dunkin gift card, a drawstring bag & markers to decorate it, McDermott Pool pass, and a raffle ticket for a chance to win a Teen Grand Prize.

 ADULTS (18+)

The 10 hour prize is a coupon for 1 book from the Friends of the Library Book Sale.

 Completion Prize is a WPL reusable grocery bag, seed bookmark, $2 printing coupon, and a raffle ticket for a chance to win an Adult Grand Prize.

 Complete Activities in BEANSTACK to earn virtual activity badges and extra raffle tickets!